Krista Giannak Blind Skier Vermont Adaptive USABA Group Photo

What Do Blind Skiing and Marketing Have In Common?

The powdery snow felt soft under my skis. The temperature was just right, and the company even better during my ski weekend with Vermont Adaptive Ski & Sports and the United States Association of Blind Athletes from February 10-12, 2018. I’m a blind skier, and people often ask me how and why I ski without […]

Helping 20-Year-Old Quadriplegic Return Home: Huntington Station Community Effort

Photo courtesy of Marti Lukralle Friends of Huntington Station Latin Quarter, or HSLQ, has raised over $10,000 for Carolyn Lukralle, a survivor of a major auto accident in October. Lukralle, a 20-year-old athlete, has been living at Cold Spring Hills Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation since January 14. Even after several spinal surgeries and intensive […]

NSASA’s Social and Recreational Activities Enrich Lives of Children and Adults with Autism

April is Autism Awareness Month. Suzanne Reek, President of the Nassau Suffolk Chapter of Autism Society of America, explained the importance of the organization’s social events for people with autism. In addition, a new documentary, The United States of Autism, will be coming to Long Island and features a Long Island family. Nassau Suffolk Autism […]