Would you like to make your marketing come alive, on a video that gets hundreds of views? Read on for your free opportunity to attract more of your best customers.
One segment of my Get Noticed Now webinar shows you how to focus on your customers. Participants walk away with new ideas and customer-centered language to use at networking events, in conferences, on their websites, on social media, and more.
People sometimes hesitate to volunteer for this process in front of the group, and I tell them that they’re just practicing. I don’t record the sessions.
Video Spotlight For Your Business
Today though, I invite you to spotlight your business for my video viewers in this unique and informative way. My process guides you through a series of questions about your business. As we go, I’ll show you how to relate to what your customers are thinking and feeling right now.
Get Featured Today: Contact Me Now
Fill out this simple form, and I’ll choose two readers to feature on their own free video. Video viewers will learn right along with you.
More Fun, Interactive Exercises: Register for Get Noticed Now
Three summer dates are available. , and join the Facebook event today.